Making Money the Hard Way

Make Money Online at Home can be the Hardest Way to Make Money.

I have decided to place this make money online blog into my experimental blog category. I have had many experiments in trying to make money online and as most any Internet marketer knows there is always way more failures than winners. So far, this blog has fit into neither category.

I do own a lot of blogs and choose blogging as my main platform for making money. One because it is the platform that Google seems to love and two because most all blogs are easy to set up.

I do have a few static websites however, but these are mainly e-commerce sites. With the volume required for my e-commerce sites the bandwidth required with a WordPress blog would not be worth it. Plus with the tools I use to set up static sites I can do everything in one operation.

Sorry once again off topic!

I find with myself that I have the hardest time staying focused on one type of way to make money online. There are so many ways to make money that I find myself jumping from one system of money making to another. I don't think I am alone with this problem, but I am currently trying to put a halt to it. This is a surefire way to sabotage your ability to make money.

The same with posting on certain blogs. It has been over a year since my last post here. I wasn't sure I even wanted to dust off this make money online blog. After learning what I know about SEO and picking URLs for sites I now know that the URL for this blog is all wrong. Live and Learn. But I thought "What the Hell!" I worked so long to get this blog re-indexed back from Blogger, that it would be a shame to waste it. If Blogger and Google (who owns Blogger) think this blog is a legitimate, Make Money Online blog , than I should probably use it.

For now this is going to be the blog I work hardest on to make money online and see where this is going to take me. I am not sure as to how I am going to monetize this blog but I know I need to post often and that I also need to post looooooong posts to see what keyword are going to be picked up by Google.

I also know that as I am doing these posts that I am going to have to drive links back to this site. This is going to require the most work.

In order to make money online I need to drive traffic to this blog. I want search engine traffic and not social traffic. You make money with search engine traffic. Social traffic does not buy. Besides I have no interest in becoming famous. My only interest is to make money online, pay my bills and live the best life I can afford. I will leave the social sites to people who want fame and only claim fortune.

Staying focused is my biggest problem. I work at home and it gets mighty lonely working on the computer and writing content. I do have a group of Internet Marketers that I trust and like to keep up with. We work together to help each other out in our endeavors to make money online. Often I will find myself helping out a fellow marketer to get one of their sites higher up in the search engines. This does not seem real productive at times for my money making business, but when I need a boost up the ladder they are available to help me out also.

When talking about making money the hard way. I am talking about the beginner who jumps online to try to make money over night. Making money online is not rocket science but it does take long hours and a lot of dead end roads. I know there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but you have to be prepared to climb a huge mountain before you get there. Right now I feel that I have finally reached the top of the mountain and my ability to make money online has finally arrived.

1 comment:

Chanthirakumar said...

any one can succeed in making money on the internet?though yes,they should face problems untill get success.